In 2014, Benchmark and their partners, White & Smith and Marstel-Day, developed a Joint Land Use Study for Fort Gregg-Adams (formerly Fort Lee) in Prince George County, Virginia. The study was developed in coordination with the installation, along with the cities of Petersburg, Hopewell, and Colonial Heights, the counties of Prince George, Chesterfield, and Dinwiddie, and the Crater Planning District Commission.
The Joint Land Use Study identifies ways the military and civilian communities surrounding Fort Gregg-Adams can continue its military missions, while helping the region's economy continue to move forward and prosper. The study goals included encouraging cooperative land use planning between the military installation and the neighboring jurisdictions so that future civilian growth and development are compatible with the training and operational missions of the installation, identifying strategies to reduce the operational impacts of military training activities on adjacent lands, reducing the environmental impacts of military operations, promoting communication and cooperation between the civilian population and the military, and protecting the health and safety of the civilian population living around the post.