In 2016, Benchmark and its partners White & Smith, and Marstel-Day completed a Joint Land Use Study for Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) that was sponsored by the City of Killeen, TX. The study partners included the cities of Killeen, Copperas Cove, Gatesville, Harker Heights, Nolanville, Lampasas, Temple and Belton; the counties of Bell and Coryell; Fort Cavazos; and the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance. The primary focus of the study is an evaluation of the compatibility of land use and development activity in civilian communities with air and ground operations, training, testing, and power projection missions conducted at Fort Cavazos. The goal of the study was to identify ways that Fort Cavazos and the neighboring civilian communities can work together cooperatively to encourage compatible growth and help to ensure the long term viability and sustainability of the military's mission.
Our Projects
Fort Cavazos (Formerly Fort Hood) - Joint Land Use Study